Thursday, May 7, 2009

Critique #2

The Pledge by N. C. Wyeth portrays a man who looks like a peasant surrounded by fellow town members. The man has his hands up to the air which is a mixture of bright colors; he appears to be praising it. The men surrounding him are all clad in armor and carry weapons. Perhaps they have just come from battle and are thanking something or somebody for their victory, or maybe they are just leaving for battle and they are asking something or somebody for a victory. The way in which the people hold their weapons at all different levels suggest that they are moving their arms maybe in time with a chant. Some of the people are cut off the page and they wrap around the whole bottom of the illustration packed tightly side by side.
The colors Wyeth uses are very different form each other. The people are all wearing dark colors or earthy colors. The one person standing in the middle sticks out in a green. The light he is praising is very vibrant and seems to glow. There is a sharp chiaroscuro between the people down bottom and the lights up top. The weapons are all in perfect harmony, none of them look out of place and they are all around the same height. In the foreground we see one man who has taken place as leader. Behind him are lights of all different colors. This artist portrays fantasy with the lights and the one man above the rest. He shows him praising to some lights, maybe they signify some magic at work. He thinks fantasy is knights and an unknown light. N. C. Wyeth’s The Pledge is a different person’s perspective of what fantasy is.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Community Proposal

Community Proposal

For my concept I have chosen fantasy. Now it is time to take my concept and find a way to work with it in the community. I have had many different ideas but, since I want to better understand fantasy finally settled on one. The idea I have is to as two different classes of two different age groups what sort of characters you would find in fantasy. I plan to go to my brother’s second grade class and my sister’s seventh grade class and ask them. Then I will compare and contrast the results I have and see what most people think fantasy is. That is what I would like to do for my interaction with the community.

Short Story 2

Living a Lie
What if I had finished my schooling at the Victorian all girls Academy? What if I had long beautiful blonde hair like my sisters? What if I had lived at home with father instead of leaving him to care for Carolina, Sara, Mary, Mae, Mercy, Bessie, and Wendy? What if I had told the truth and was honest to myself from the start? We ask ourselves these questions everyday. Could we have done something better, different? Maybe if I stopped and listened, maybe I could have changed where I am today. Maybe? But I didn’t, so I was living a lie.
I thought I had it all. I lived with mother, father, and seven other sisters in the England country- side. We lived happily together, the ten of us; because our family was so big, we had no need for cooks or servants, we always got everything done. One night exactly one hundred and seventy three days ago, we were preparing dinner. We noticed we were out of bread. Dad was busy cooking the meat so mom volunteered to get it. We all agreed, but warily. She never came back. We like to pretend she got to chatting with an old friend, perhaps grandma was coming to see us and they are still in the tea shop debating on which tea to surprise us with. Dad and I know she was probably hurt and robbed of her money, these were trying days. Although no body was found, we still hope by some miracle she is out there perhaps just…lost. Women were not even supposed to be on the streets after dark, it was well after dark.
Carolina, Sara, Mary and I all go to finishing school. Mae and Mercy would be starting soon, Bessie a year later, and Wendy would follow in another three years. I would be long gone by then, married to some respectful gentlemen, maybe a duke or admiral. My debut dress would be gorgeous, my bridal gown even better; it would pool to the floor and I would wear long white gloves as my father walked me down the aisle. But then I met him. He had golden hair that fell to his shoulders and blew in the wind. He never came calling; he preferred to meet in the woods behind school under our tree. My friends were jealous that I had someone who cared so much about me.
One day, one hundred and seventy- four days since I last saw my mom, my friend Carmella’s suitor came, we giggled as we helped her dress to go see Harold. Ha ha, what a dorky name, and what more, he was thirty and a merchant. She raced down the hall and into the living room. She gave us a nasty smile before closing the door. We fought and squealed as we struggled to press our ears up against the door to hear what they were saying. Then Miss. Elizabeth came out, scolded us, escorted us to the library, and told us we were to study until free period. As soon as she left a big buzz started. They must be talking about something important because no one has ever, made us leave before. Rumors were going around faster than the influenza, everything from a cancellation of the engagement, to a super fast wedding this weekend! I, however, chose not to take part because I wouldn’t want someone gossiping behind my back and another part because my suitor had done nothing to suggest an engagement was close, let alone a marriage.
I was left alone to do my own thinking and realized I hardly knew him at all. If someone asked me his name I would not be able to answer. I couldn’t even tell you who his family was, if they were respected, or what he did in life. This hardly mattered seeing as only my friends and Carolina knew about him. “Katy?” Someone called off in the distance “Katy? Did you hear me? Study period is over. Hello are you even listening to me?”
“Oh sorry Dianne. What did you say?”
“Study period is over. Let’s go see how Carmella and her Harold fared.”
“You go; I think I am going out to my tree.”
“Okay,” she said with a mischievous smile. I waved her off and she flitted down the stairs. I moved much slower than her as I dragged myself to the big front doors. These past couple of weeks had been very stressful. Everyone had a suitor come, everyone except me that is. My teachers were starting to worry that I was going to be alone my whole life, my dad was upset. He thought he raised me wrong. I assured them I was waiting for the right somebody but my teachers started making me go to more and more teas, hoping someone would catch my eye. I needed him to come to school soon; the only way for him to know was to, yet again, explain everything.
I made my way out back, being extra careful not to get too dirty; Jess the maid noticed the mud on my stockings and was wondering why. Finally I arrived at the tree we always met under. He had moved a lavish golden couch so I wouldn’t get dirty. Just like always he was already there, as if he knew I was coming. I told him he really needed to introduce himself or I would be married to someone else. “Is meeting me here everyday not enough?” He asked.
“I love coming here but they are threatening to marry me off to Sir Patrick of Whales. Please, if you don’t come, at least let me know your name and status so that I may speak of you?”
“Fine, I suppose I have put that off too long. My name is William Wallace and if you must know I am a merchant’s son, training to become a sailor.” I was shocked, he looked like he came from royalty but he was no better than Carmella’s Harold.
“Are you going to become part of the King’s Navy?” I asked, still confused.
“No, nothing like that. A fishermen actually. I will catch fish and my dad can sell them. It is a father- son business my family has been doing for generations.” He smiled and pushed his hair behind his ears. I still couldn’t quite believe it. I must have looked stupid with my mouth hanging open and my eyes bulging. He noticed too and said “is something the matter? Katy, are you okay?” I then did something I thought I would never do in front of him. I completely broke down crying. When he reached out a hand of comfort I slapped it away like the brat I am. I then picked up my skirt and ran fleeting out of the woods and into Harold’s arms. He looked at me concerned, then recognized me as Carmella’s friend and, muttering soothing words, walked me back to school.
All around me people asked if I was okay, what happened, and if I got hurt? I didn’t answer, just stared at my sisters’ worried faces straight ahead. Jess then decided I should turn in early, they could ask me all the questions they wanted tomorrow. I was put in bed with blankets piled high and a cup of tea to soothe me, with extra sugar. I took a couple of sips then lay back. I heard my door creak open and three sets of feet enter, my sisters. I didn’t want to talk, so I feigned sleep. They stood around, I could hear their breath, and then one by one drifted out. Around nine I heard Carolina re-enter and get into bed.
Around midnight, I think, I woke up. I remember I had a really awful dream but I couldn’t remember what it was. Then I heard something hitting my window. Comfortable and cold, I wished whoever was making that noise would stop. When it didn’t I got out and threw back the window. Standing below was William Wallace with wild pansies, my favorite flower of all time. He motioned for me to come down. Because I was so petty, I shook my head. Then he did something only princes in my wildest dreams did, he climbed the vines to my window. Once he reached the top I thought about closing the window, but the flowers smelled so good. “What are you doing here?” I whispered.
“I have to tell you something.” When I did not say anything he continued. “My father and I are going out to sea… forever. We are moving to the Americas.” This sunk in. Sure I was mad at him but I really didn’t want to stop seeing him. For the second time I began to cry. He held me tight and stroked my hair.
“Why? Is it something I said? Please I don’t want to lose you.” I know it sounded like it came right out of a fairy-tale, but I loved him.
“Yes, there is something you could do. Run away with me?” I can’t believe he said that, so cliché of him, but I loved clichés.
“Okay, but where will we go?”
“Somewhere far. India maybe. If we are going, we have to leave tonight, the train is leaving soon.” I was silenced. I did not think it would be this soon. I thought I would be able to say good bye to my father, sisters, and friends. “I understand if you don…”
“No, I want to go its just s…”
“So soon? I know. Please come with me.” I did. By trusting in fate, I packed the one bag that would forever change my life and then debated on whether or not to leave a note. In the end I decided against it. My sisters and friends would probably guess and they could tell everyone. My father would blame himself but he had others to worry about. My teachers would probably be ashamed they did not see it, even some people may be arrested, but I didn’t care, I would be happy for the first time in one hundred and seventy- five days. I took his hand, and together we walked out of our own sheltered lives and into a world that was new, exotic, and un-structured.
I will spare you our entire journey and life in India, just know this, it wasn’t good. He kept badgering me for money. It’s not like I didn’t have it but, couldn’t he use some of his. Other than money, and the little work he did, we did not talk. I realized I did not love him anymore. I only loved the mystery about him and the fact he was off- limits. Now I knew him and no one could no longer tell me what I could and couldn’t do. We married, not officially, but we knew we were. After our first five years together, I was twenty- two, we decided to take a trip.
We debated for weeks until he decided it would be a surprise. We traveled by train and it took two days. Then the carriage ride took us through busy cities, winding roads, and bumpy hills. On the last leg of our journey he put a blind- fold on me “so you don’t know where we are.” He explained. Finally he arrived, the minute the blindfold left my eyes tears spilled out.
We were back in England; to be specific we were at our tree. I could feel a light breeze, smell the freshly cut grass, and hear shouts up at the school. We stayed for a while. I lost count. On one of the last days he went to meet someone about something. He left me and I got bored. I decided to go to the little stream. I took the long trek and I was in my red dress, I almost wished I changed, the sun was beating down. When I got there I saw him sitting with a young girl who was oddly familiar. No wait, she was more than familiar, she was my sister Bessie. Anger spilled out of my ears like steam would a kettle. I now know he was using us for our money; when I no longer provided it he went to her. Then I saw something that made me feel sick. She took off my mother’s necklace and he put it in a coin purse. The purse was very girly and looked just like my mothers… I ran back to our tree and wept with the realization. He never loved me, he loved the money my mom had, I had, and Bessie has. I then knew what I must do. I ripped pieces of the bottom of my dress and knotted them together. I looped it up and around the tree, put my neck through…
I will never forget his face as long as I remain here. He came back calling my name softly. When he saw me his mouth dropped and his eyes bulged. Then he silently took off all my jewelry and walked away into the mist of the forest.
I hope he would be caught, but no one would know about him, even in this diary. I wished this diary was real, but sadly its not. I write this diary form my new home as I watch him die, hoping he will not meet me here. I write this diary from a place far away that no one can reach me. I write this diary form the place I will remain forever in. Yes, I killed myself that day. I don’t know why, but I had to. I think if I didn’t I would never admit to him what I saw and then I would be living a lie. Now it has only been half and hour since I last saw my mom.
Forever and always,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Picture On The Wall

A yellow house with sky blue shutters. It has a hot pink garage to match. That garage has a lovely lime green pick up truck with a broken passenger side door. In that house the walls are painted all a different color. Orange for the living room, teal for the kitchen, a plum for the bathroom, and all the ceilings are made to look like a sunny sky. It has two bedrooms; one a pale pink the other has white walls but the previous owner splatter painted them. This house is up for sale, although no one was buying it. Who wouldn’t want this serene little house in Vermont? It is surrounded by nothing but grass, right in the middle of a perfectly ring- shaped field.
Well this house, this house is haunted. Two people formerly lived there. A woman in her early thirties with shiny black hair. Her husband never made the move into this house. He was said to have gone insane, stole a horse, and rode off on their tenth anniversary. The woman, of course, was heartbroken and slowly losing it. Her daughter, a petite girl around the age of seven, was very bright and always happy. She was inquisitive and never stopped asking questions, much to her mother’s annoyance. Her ringlets of gold hair fell way past her shoulders. Her mother would not let her cut them though. “Just like your father,” she would say, before ambling off to do some mundane chore. This, however, isn’t a story about the house or who was interested in it; this is the story about Melissa and Scarlett Esabella Carlson.
“Mom!” I called. “Mom, come quick, I need you.” My mom came running, of course.
“What? Scarlett Esabella, what could you possibly need now?”
“Well,” I said. “I was looking at the picture over the mantel and decided I need you to tell me another story about it.” I loved that picture of the knight. He always saved the princess and the lived “happily ever after.”
“Okay, come sit,” she said. We both sat in the red, no orange, rocking chair.
“Tell the one about how he saves the princess.”
“Your grandpa never saves a princess,” she laughs. I was confused. He wasn’t my grandpa; he was a knight, a story book person.
“I thought you said he was a night, remember?”
“No, that is your grandpa. He loved medieval times, so when he died we had him painted in a fairy tale land. There’s honestly not much to tell about him.” She then quickly kissed the top of my head and went to finish cooking dinner.
I was very sad. I thought he was a knight, not grandpa Dan. When it came time for dinner, mom turned out all the lights again. I didn’t wonder, or worry, she just liked eating by candle. We had to take our shoes off again also; she started this two weeks ago. I picked up my fork, and looked at my plate, no bowl. “Soup again, icky.” I said. We had soup so many times this week, I lost count. “Mommy, I don’t want soup. And how do I eat it with a fork?”
“You love soup.” She said nothing about the fork so I followed her lead and drank my soup, icky carrots and all.
After dinner we threw away our plastic bowls and forks. Then mom put the candles in the window and we left for family…something with a “c.” I think mom said it was cowsellin, or maybe something different. I don’t really remember. The car ride was boring. We had no music and mom liked to drive with the windows rolled down. Good thing there was little wind. Once we got there we waited in the waiting room. I played puzzles and mom sat on the floor, eyes closed and said “hmmm, hmmm, hmmm.” I don’t think she liked coming here. “Mommy,” I tapped her on the shoulder. “Why do you go hmmm, hmmm, hmmm?”
“Because I do Scarlett, now be quiet.”
This week, Ms. Donna, mom says she is a social worker, asked us to put on a play. We picked up our animals and went behind the curtains. “Now Scarlett, don’t forget to say thank you after you open grandma’s present.” I nodded and went to continue but Ms. Donna stopped us.
“Excuse me Melissa, what did you say?” Mom seemed confused, and then seemed to remember.
“I just told my little Scarlett to remember to play nice with the puppets because I don’t want to ruin them.” She said this with confidence that I forgot all about the first comment. We put on our show then Ms. Donna said it was time to go home. She gave us a big hug, which she had never done before, and told us she would not be seeing us again. Mom seemed happy, she didn’t like her. I was sad because I like coming here to play with my mom. When we got home mom doused all the candles in the sink and put them in the microwave. It was pitch black in the house so I knew this meant bedtime.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Two weeks have gone by now. School started, I’m in the first grade… again. I think it’s because I skipped school a lot last year. The first week was probably boring, I didn’t go. I went outside and hid behind the bushes. When he bus came by in the afternoon, I went inside. Mom had no clue. She did… whatever during the day.
We continued on pretty much the same. Mom would tell me funny things like “I hope you are having fun at Disney.” And “Don’t forget dad says to eat all your veggies before you can go outside.” They were really funny and made me laugh. The last time I went to Disney I was two and dad left when I was three. She also told me a new story about the picture. It went like this, “That picture, its three feet by two feet, is your father. He is riding the horse he stole the night he left. The woman is me, I think. He had it painted two weeks before he left, it was well planned out.”
“What about me?”
“I don’t know, maybe he forgot.”
“Yeah, maybe.” I mumbled. I knew thought that the dragon creature was me. My dad never liked me. He said “I got in the way,” and “you cry a lot like a whiny little monster.” I believed this story because under the painting was the name “John Carlson,” my father’s name.
After that I studied the picture everyday. I imagined where he was and what he was doing. I wondered if he even remembers me and mom. Sometimes I ask mom if she knows where dad is and if he is coming home. She just kept shaking her head and saying “I don’t know. Be careful, soup is hot.” Soon I stopped asking. I like to pretend dad is a king. He left because his kingdom was in trouble. Someday he’s going to come back and take us with him. Mom will be his queen and I could be their princess.
One day when I got “home form school” I knew something was wrong. First off, the front door was closed not open. Second there was a black Mercedes in the driveway. I walked in and Ms. Donna was sitting at the table with mommy and another lady. The other lady introduced herself as Hannah Lee. “Scarlett,” Ms. Donna began. “This is Hannah Lee, she is a foster mother. Remember we talked about those?” I nodded. “Well,” she continued, “I reviewed my notes and decided maybe you can stay with Hannah while your mom gets better.”
“She’s sick?”
“No, but maybe her mind could use some rest.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll be real quiet.” I tiptoed to my room then I closed the door real hard, and lay down while the adults talked.
Tonight at dinner the lights were on and mom talked about me leaving. I sniffled a lot. She said she was very unhappy because dad left and needed to recover in a hospital. She said it wouldn’t be bad if I could go live with Hannah Lee until she could come home. I cried and ran to my room. I didn’t want to leave my mom; especially after I found out she was sick. At eight my mom came in and rubbed my back. She brushed my hair and finally spoke. “I am sorry honey; I should have gotten better sooner.”
“But you didn’t and now I have to leave you.” I cried some more and kicked her off my bed. She stood up and I could see she had tears in her eyes just like me. “Mommy, I’m so sorry. Please don’t cry.”
“I’m upset because you are right Scarlett. I should have tried to get better sooner. I am really sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you. If you want I can stay home, I’m sure to get better some time.”
“Really!? Then we could play all day and I would never have to leave you!”
“Well, you still have school and I would have to go back to work, but we would have a little time to play.” I cried some more because she thought I was a good girl who went to school. I think I would tell her the truth now, but what if she was angry.
“Mommy, I haven’t gone to school, I hid behind the bushes all day.” I quietly told her this so maybe she wouldn’t hear, she did.
“Oh my, why would you do that Scarlett Esabella?”
“I did that because I was afraid if I wasn’t watching you, you would leave like daddy. Did you know kids at my school point and say ‘There’s the one with the crazy dad?’”
“I had no idea. I am so sorry Scarlett.”
“It’s okay; I just want you to get better so you can come back and live with me.”
“Oh, I will Scarlett Esabella. Now do you have any questions for me?” I did and she answered them all. She told me I could bring a bag with some stuff, and that I would visit her on weekends. She also said I would be living with seven other girls. This excited me most because I have always wanted lots of sisters. Then we both went to bed. I cried until I finally fell asleep, and mommy slept outside my door like she used to when I had bad dreams.
The next day Hannah Lee came to get me. Mom gave me a three by two by two foot bag. In it I put some clothes, a stuffed animal, and a couple other things. Mom gave me a hug and kiss. “Be a good girl my little Scarlett Esabella, and maybe even cut your hair.” Then she gave me one more quick kiss before embarking on a journey that could take two months. We both cried as she drove down the driveway, but I tried to put on a brave face for her. Then her car turned the corner so I cried again.
“It’s okay Scarlett, you will see mommy very soon. You’ll see the time will fly by.” I sniffle and gave a little nod to show I was okay. Hannah Lee bent to pick up my bag. “It’s going to be really fun having you with us. Jane, who is nine, is really looking forward to it. All the other girls are older, now she’ll have someone to play with.” The she tried to pick up the bag. “Wow, that’s heavy. What do you have in there?”
“Clothes, stuffed animals and a picture.”
“Are you sure that’s all?” So this time I was more specific. I told her,
“Two dresses, two pairs of jeans, two sweatshirts, eight t- shirts, a bunch of socks and underwear, and my teddy bear.” I took a breath before saying the final object. “And the picture on the wall.”

Sunday, February 15, 2009


For my concept folio I have chosen to do “What is Fantasy?” Fantasy is a broad subject and has a lot of different meanings. If I asked one hundred different people what fantasy is I would get one hundred different answers. The dictionary definition of fantasy is “imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.” This definition is so extensive, that anything in my imagination could be fantasy. I want to try to find out specifically what fantasy is.
I have asked many different people and these are answers I got. They told me fantasy consisted of witches, wizards, knights, kings, queens, warriors, elves, dwarves, and vampires. Some of the creatures they told me have been unicorns, dragons, fairies, werewolves, trolls, and goblins. Many of the people I have asked tried to make me believe fantasy is magic, others have tried to tell me they are stories derived form legends. Whatever fantasy is there are various different components. My goal is to find out specifically what fantasy is. I want to get to the inner core so next time I read or see “fantasy,” I will be able to tell if it is really fantasy.
Fantasy is very broad; if it could be narrowed down it would have to be specific. Not one part that is considered fantasy could be overlooked. While I am working on my concept folio I am going to look at many different images of fantasy and try to get as many views as possible. In doing this I hope to minimize what could be called fantasy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Critique # 1

Penny Parker’s painting of unicorns (title unknown), instantly transports the viewer to a fairy tale. This painting depicts unicorns standing in a meadow. In the background stand two castles. While the focal point may not be obvious at first, you may have notice how one of the unicorns is slightly larger than the others. The unicorn also stands in the front right corner of the painting overlooking the other unicorns in the field.
The artist chose to use many colors. Surrounding the painting is a purple color that almost makes the painting look as if it is enveloped in clouds. The sky is a mix of blue and purple. This could indicate it is early at night or early in the morning. The field below is a nice green that compliments the other colors well. The stars, moon, and unicorns tie in the picture with a pure white color. The hue of the painting is very different on different levels. Up in the sky the picture is very bright almost glowing. However, down in the meadow, it is a darker shade. The color’s the artist chose to use fits the location of this painting perfectly.
The meaning of this painting is pretty clear. The artist obviously wanted to capture mythical creatures. Instead of going with dangerous, harmful creatures she chose unicorns. They are depicted in many stories as beautiful and gentle. She put castles in the background suggesting this is a fairy tale; one with a “happily ever after.” There are many different things that come to mind when one says fantasy. Some think of wizards, others think of knights, and still others picture fire- breathing dragons. Penny Parker pictures unicorns and castles; her fantasy is calm and tranquil.